Operation 9-11:
Rendezvous Points
Frank Levi, August 2003 Updated 13th Aug - New information on rendezvous points Updated 14th Sept - Possible error about GPS tracking, some planes use this to link to the Flight Tracker but not all, mostly they use radar. If anyone has any more information please contact me. Many people have speculated that the US government deliberately allowed the 9-11 attacks to happen to give them justification for the "War Against Terrorism". There is no moral difference between "allowing someone to be murdered" and murdering someone. And the former is much more likely to go wrong. Is it possible that the US government and their allies may have actually carried out the attacks on 9-11 as a false flag operation? Key questions:
Operation Northwoods is a document discovered through the Freedom of Information Act which proved conclusively that high ranking members of the US military have planned in the past to use fake terror attacks to justify war. This particular plan was to justify an invasion of Cuba by carrying out numerous acts of violence and trickery. A full scanned copy of Operation Northwoods can be seen at: http://emperors-clothes.com/images/north-i.htm The matter-of-fact way in which this memo is presented is quite shocking. "We could blow up a ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba" "We could develop a communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities or even in Washington". For the purpose of this article we will be focusing on one particular section: http://emperors-clothes.com/images/north-10.htm This section deals with a mock shoot-down of a passenger plane with the intention of blaming Cuba. The basic points follow:
A few other points to note:
Was 9-11 a more complex version of Operation Northwoods? If so, what happened to the passengers? Rendezvous and Land Many articles about the hijackings have shown diagrams of the flight-paths followed by the four hijacked planes. These flight paths were not taken from recordings of Air Traffic Control radar as you might think, but from Flight-Tracking services, available to the public on the Internet. If you connect to a Flight-Tracker you can actually watch a plane on its journey using radar information. Air traffic controllers use radar and the information sent from the plane's transponder, which shows altitude as well as the plane's identification. The hijackers turned off the planes' transponders which made it difficult for ATC to track them, but the flight tracking service continued to record the planes' locations. If Operation 9-11 was based loosely on Operation Northwoods, what exactly did they do? It would make sense to rendezvous with a drone as close as possible to a military base to avoid the chances of someone seeing an unexplained blip on the radar. If the passenger planes were landed it would need to be at airports or bases close to the target so that the radar trace would appear to finish at the target. Let's look at some images of the flights as picked up by a company called Flight Explorer. Here we see the overlaid tracks for Flight 11 and Flight 175.
Our rendezvous point for both of these planes would seem to be fairly simple and can be seen even more clearly as an animation. Click on this link to see the animated flight paths. You will notice immediately that the two planes almost
meet each other at a point north of NYC. So what exactly is at this
point? Stewart International Airport which is also the location of Stewart Air National Guard Base and the 105th airlift wing. Home of some very large c-5a carrier planes.
Now look at a diagram of the airport itself:
Those two runways fairly closely match the paths taken by Flight 11 and 175 don't they? So were the two planes really that close to this airport? FAA worker says hijacked jeltiners almost collided before striking World Trade Center "The terrorists, however, nearly had their plans dashed when the two planes almost collided outside the city, the employee said. "The two aircraft got too close to each other down by Stewart" International Airport in New Windsor, N.Y., the employee said." How could this be done without an Air Traffic Controller noticing something funny? From the same article: "One air traffic controller - with the help of an
assistant - monitored the flight patterns of the two jets that toppled the
World Trade Center, the employee said. He directed American Airlines
Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 - both Boeing 767 jets that had
Boston to Los Angeles routes, the employee said. For those who don't know, Flight 990 was full of Egyptian Military top brass and is suspected by some people of having been crashed using remote control. What a coincidence. Landing? We have a number of possibilities here. You may have noticed that the last blip for Flight 175 is a little out of place. Could the last blip in each flight path have been added on to show the planes apparently finishing at the world trade center? If this is the case perhaps flight 11 could have landed at La Guardia airport (directly below the second last blip) A simple possibility is that some sort of hijacking was actually taking place on the plane, the real pilots were still flying the plane and were told to land at La Guardia airport. "Another controller at the Nashua center confirms these
events, adding some of what the hijacker was saying. "One of the pilots
keyed their mike so the conversation between the pilot and the person in
the cockpit could be heard," a second controller says. "The person in the
cockpit was speaking in English. He was saying something like, 'Don't do
anything foolish. You're not going to get hurt.' ""
Flight 175 is more interesting to analyse. Check out this link: The
Seattle Times. Understanding the conflict. Graphics &
"L "Somewhere between Philadelphia and Newark — less than 90
miles from Manhattan — Flight 175 made its final radar contact,
according to a statement released by United Airlines. About the same time,
American Flight 11 struck the north tower of the World Trade Center,
setting off a massive explosion." Trenton is close to Brown Mills, the location of McGuire Air Force Base. You'll also notice if you look at the white time markings on the diagram above that Flight 175 also seems to be slowing down a great deal as it approaches Trenton. Which is what planes do when they land. Look at the last two blips before the plane supposedly turns towards NY. They are in a direct line towards Brown Mills Alternatively, it may have landed at La Guardia with Flight 11. Perhaps they both assumed new transponder/radio identities as they approached the airport?
Flight 93 and Flight 77 Flight 93 was supposed to take-off from Newark airport at 8:00 but was delayed by 42 minutes. In the image below you can see the original flight plan on the right with estimated arrival time set as 02:15 pm at San Francisco. You can see it flies very close to both Cleveland and Pittsburgh airports. Not long before the plane disappears from the radar, whoever was flying the plane filed an electronic change of flight-plan to DCA (Ronald Reagan International Airport) with an estimated arrival time of 10:28.
Why any "suicide hijacker" would ever dream of filing a change of flight plan is totally beyond comprehension. We'll come back to this later. It looks like whoever was flying Flight 93 was trying to land. Around the time the flight plan was changed Flight 93 was heading towards the municipal airport in Johnstown at a low altitude. Was someone hoping to land here but changed flight plan to DCA because of difficulty contacting ATC (jammed radio?). One thing is for certain - all the crashes were supposed to happen at around the same time. If Flight 93 had not been delayed by 42 minutes and had followed the same path, it would have arrived in Washington at 9:46. This is around the same time that Flight 77 supposedly crashed into the Pentagon What happened to Flight 77?
Unlike all the other planes the radar track suddenly stops over Southern Ohio. Completely dead. Any other flight path diagrams you may have seen have the estimated path drawn in. None of the other planes lost the flight tracking at an early stage in the journey. Why just on this plane? Was it shot down or remotely exploded? Did it land in the very small Portsmouth Airport or fly very low and land in one of the larger airports in the area? Was it really Flight 77 that crashed into the Pentagon? Perhaps it had another destination which had to be abandoned because of the Flight 93 delay. If this plane had changed its path at this point and flown directly to Chicago (and the Sears Tower) it would have passed directly over Dayton and the Wright Patterson air base. So what actually happened? There are a number of possibilities:
Lets not forget the c-130 plane seen flying directly above flight 77 "as if to prevent two planes from appearing on radar while at the same time guiding the jet toward the Pentagon" Was there an opportunity to modify or even substitute any of the planes? Read this witness report from Sept 10th: http://bpdupdateonline.bizland.com/fall2001/id26.html "On Monday, September 10 at about 1 pm, my husband and I
flew into Newark, returning from a meeting of the CSWE Commission on
Conferences and Faculty Development. We flew past the World Trade Center
Towers on our way into Newark, and the plane's landing gear lowered.
Suddenly, the landing gear and the plane lifted again, and we were told
that we had been diverted to LaGuardia Airport, as there was a fire in
Newark Airport. We flew past the Twin Towers again on our way to land at
Please send feedback, corrections, ridicule etc. to frank@the-movement.com More to come soon...