Exclusive: Sony Forces Employees To Submit To Body
Scanners Infowars.com
| July 6, 2011
Sony distribution centers are mandating that employees pass through body scanners when they exit the workplace according to an internal memo leaked to Infowars, but the corporation claims that the devices do not emit harmful radiation nor do they display naked images, why begs the question such scanners are not being used in airports. The memo (PDF), issued by Trent Mulrooney, Sr. Vice-President of Distribution, is addressed to “all Sony DADC Americas Bolingbrook employees”. DADC stands for Sony Digital Audio Disc Corporation, a manufacturer of Compact Discs, DVDs, UMDs, and Blu-ray Discs which primarily serves Sony-owned record labels. The company has distribution centers all over the world. The document expresses concern at the potential for theft or copying of discs outside of the company, and announces that security measures are being beefed up to improve “exit scanning methods at our Manufacturing and Distribution facilities,” with the addition of body scanners that all employees, managers and visitors will be required to use. The memo, which is marked “confidential,” goes on to claim that the devices do not transmit any energy and completely protect the privacy of the individual. “Although the scanners may look similar to what you might have seen at some airports, they are, in reality, quite different in that they do not reveal anatomical details of a person’s body and they are “passive” technology, meaning that they do not transmit or emit any energy (such as backscatter x-rays),” states the memo. “Thus, these scanners pose no harm to people – even those with medical conditions (such as pregnancy) or medical devices (such as a pacemaker, insulin pump, prosthesis). The scanner simply takes pictures much like a handheld digital camera and does not transmit any energy onto the subject in the form of waves or particles.” The memo adds that the scanners can only produce a “blacked-out silhouette of a person’s body” that shows no detail and only highlights concealed items. A sample image included in the document shows a completely blacked-out shape of a person, and no physical details are visible. If Sony has the means to scan people using technology that emits no potentially harmful energy whatsoever, in addition to protecting the user’s dignity and bodily privacy, someone should really put them in touch with the Transportation Security Administration. Both the TSA and airport authorities around the world are currently using body scanner devices that utilize radiation particles to produce images of a person’s body that show intricate details of their genitalia. Body scanners have firmly moved beyond just the airport and are now being used in court houses, other transportation hubs and even in shopping malls as a sophisticated measuring tool for clothes purchases. Numerous highly respected universities and health bodies, including Johns Hopkins, Columbia University, the University of California, and the Inter-Agency Committee on Radiation Safety, have all warned that the health threat posed by the scanners has not been properly studied and could lead to increased cancer rates. Despite the TSA lying in claiming that Johns Hopkins had verified the safety of the scanners, Dr Michael Love, who runs an X-ray lab at the department of biophysics and biophysical chemistry at the Johns Hopkins school of medicine, has publicly warned that “statistically someone is going to get skin cancer from these X-rays”. A study conducted last year by Dr David Brenner, head of Columbia University’s center for radiological research, also found that the body scanners are likely to lead to an increase in a common type of skin cancer called basal cell carcinoma, which affects the head and neck. As we reported last week, leaked documents published by the Electronic Privacy Information Center revealed how TSA workers became concerned over a “cancer cluster” amongst screening agents at Boston Logan International Airport, and how the federal agency tried to cover-up the complaints. If the TSA has any interest whatsoever in addressing the health and privacy concerns of travelers who are being subjected to degrading and dangerous radiative naked body scanners, they immediately need to contact Sony and look at swiftly replacing the current devices with the models Sony are using, should thorough investigations confirm that they are both safe and satisfy the privacy protections outlined in the 4th amendment to the Constitution. Click here to see the leaked Sony memo in PDF format or read below. |